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Author: SCM

Ayn Rand’s Failure

From AlterNet: If the “free-market” theories of Ayn Rand and Milton Friedman were correct, the United States of the last three decades should have experienced a golden age in which the lavish rewards flowing to the titans of...

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Government Customer Service

From Governing magazine. Bill Bott | June 30, 2011 If we are ever going to master customer service, one of the hurdles that government needs to clear is the idea that the customer is always right. Quite frankly, this statement...

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The Failure of American Schools

By Joel Klein Three years ago, in a New York Times article detailing her bid to become head of the American Federation of Teachers union, Randi Weingarten boasted that despite my calls for “radical reform” to New York City’s...

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Our Fantasy Nation?

By NICHOLAS D. KRISTOF of New York Times With Tea Party conservatives and many Republicans balking at raising the debt ceiling, let me offer them an example of a nation that lives up to their ideals. It has among the lowest tax...

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Is It OK to Text While Lawmaking?

The legality of texting while lawmaking has been cause for debate, but Texas may be the first state to ban the practice altogether. From Governing Magazine: Scores of states and cities have recently enacted bans on texting while...

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Finding the Creative City

From the Future of Business blog: Vancouver often tops the ‘liveability’ index but is it really an archetype for future working life? Next month (June), “Monocle” magazine, the glossy chronicler of culture and...

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Latest Bill Day Cartoon

Grifter In Chief, A Cartoon by Award-Winning Bill Day

by Bill Day. Memphian Bill Day is two-time winner of the RFK Journalism Award in Cartooning. His cartoons are syndicated internationally by Cagle Cartoons. Cartoons Archive →

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About Smart City Memphis

Since 2005, this has been Smart City Consulting’s blog with the aim of connecting the dots and providing perspective on issues and policies shaping Memphis.  Editor and primary author is Tom Jones, columnist at Memphis magazine, author of two books and a museum exhibition, and consultant on public policy and strategic planning.  Smart City Memphis was called one of the most intriguing blogs in the U.S. by the Pew Partnership for Civic Change; The (Memphis) Commercial Appeal wrote: “Smart City Memphis provides some of the most well-thought-out thinking about Memphis’ past, present, and future you’ll find anywhere,” and the Memphis Flyer said: “This incredibly well-written blog sets out to solves the city’s ills – from the mayor to MATA – with out-of-the-box thinking, fresh approaches to old problems, and new ideas.” If you have questions, submissions, or ideas for posts, please email Tom Jones, at

