Urban crime in America is often cyclical and while it’s been decreasing in cities across the U.S. in recent years, perhaps Memphis is now catching up.  As of August 30, 2024, the number of crimes was down in every zip code in the city.  The downtown precinct continues to have the lowest numbers of all Memphis police precincts.

The following is the data – the number of crimes this year by zip code through August followed by the amount of the decreases – as provided by Memphis Police Department with the zip codes with the largest declines to the one with the smallest:

38113 – 24 crimes, down 45.45%
38117 – 1669 crimes, down 25.29%
38120 – 696 crimes, down 24.45%
38018 – 1095 crimes, down 17.86%
38103 – 2516 crimes, down 23.99%
38107 – 1674 crimes, down 22.10%
38134 – 1931 crimes, down 17.86%
38119 – 1506 crimes, down 17.34%
38116 – 4640 crimes, down 17.26%
38105 – 737 crimes, down 17.28%
38111 – 3801 crimes, down 17.17%
38128 – 3697 crimes, down 15.17%
38109 – 4546 crimes, down 14.79%
38118 – 5765 crimes, down 14.73%
38112 – 2221 crimes, down 11.34%
38125 – 719 crimes, down 8.29%
38127 – 4351 crimes, down 7.95%
38115 – 5343 crimes, down 7.90%
38104 – 4011 crimes, down 7.20%
38126 – 704 crimes, down 6.01%
38106 – 2782 crimes, down 4.06%

The following is the number of crimes in each zip code through the end of August:

38118 – 5765
38115 – 5343
38116 – 4640
38109 – 4546
38127 – 4351
38104 – 4011
38111 – 3801
38106 – 3782
38128 – 3697
38103 – 2516
38112 – 2221
38134 – 1931
38107 – 1674
38117 – 1669
38119 – 1506
38018 – 1095
38105 – 737
38125 – 719
38126 – 704
38120 – 696
38113 – 24

Number of crimes by MPD precinct to the end of August:

5408 – North Main
6509 – Airways
7567 – Mt. Moriah
7872 – Tillman
8048 – Crump
8251 – Austin Peay
8402 – Ridgeway
9019 – Appling Farms
9023 – Raines


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