The following message is from the Wolf River Conservancy:

We recently learned that there’s no Congressional funding for the
$12.5 million Corps Wolf River Restoration Project. Please take five
minutes, now, to call or e-mail our representatives. The Corps’s Wolf
River Restoration Project needs only a final Congressional add of
$1.5 million to complete this final phase that will reinforce the
Collierville/Arlington Rd. Bridge. The Bridge will fail ($2 million
replacement costs) if the head cutting reaches the bridge. Failure to
complete the project threatens contamination of our aquifers and the
Mid South’s most essential natural river system.

Please call or copy and paste the e-mail addresses to these U.S.
House of Representatives’ chiefs of staff now!

We will focus on our U.S. Senators at a later date.

* This vital $12.5 million project only needs a final $1.5 million
for completion. Without this final phase we risk losing the
Collierville – Arlington Bridge/ Hwy 205 Bridge – while also wasting
the funds already spent.

*The project has benefited from the incredible local cooperation of
Shelby County, Collierville and the Wolf River Conservancy to provide
the 35 % ($4.4 million) local cost share. Contamination of our water
supply is at risk, as well our most essential natural river system!

* The final $1.5 million that will finish the project is bare bones –
w/o funding for recreational trails or boat ramps.

Rep. Marsha Blackburn
509 Cannon House Office Building
Washington, D.C. 20515-4207
Fax: (202) 225-3004
Local Office Phone: (901) 382-5811

Rep. Harold Ford Jr.
325 Cannon House Office Building
Washington, D.C. 20515-4209
Local Office Phone: (901) 544-413

Rep. John Tanner
1226 Longworth House Office Building
Washington, D.C. 20515-4208
Fax: (202) 225-1765
Local Office Phone: (731) 885-7070